What & How

A good practice in internationalisation is an internationalisation activity that has been verified by a third-party review process as contributing to the overall quality of an institution or programme and as adding commendable value for its stakeholders.

The definition of a Good Practice is as follows: “An activity [e.g. a case or an experience related to internationalisation] that has been documented as adding significant value to the policies or practices of a higher education programme, namely having a favourable and demonstrable effect on the quality of education”. From this a good practice in internationalisation is characterised as:

  • Potentially transferable to other institutions or programmes;
  • Verified and positively assessed by peers and experts;
  • Contributes to overall quality of teaching & learning (environment);
  • Facilitates mutual learning between programmes and institutions;
  • Enhances internationalisation by presenting relevant examples;
  • Supports current demand for benchmarking in internationalisation;
  • Encourages programmes and institutions to further share their knowledge and expertise;
  • Provide information in an easy accessible way;

The Internationalisation Platform is not a database or a showcase. It serves as a platform for peers, meaning that each good practice is meant to be exchanged and further developed. Consequently the good practices are to be adapted and/or adopted as desired and thereby effectively and efficiently contribute to the dissemination and enhancement of a quality culture.

Please use these guidelines when preparing your submission(s). Note that the fields with marked with an * are mandatory.

  1. All applications have to be submitted in English.
  2. It is highly recommended to support your good practice with links, supporting documents (single pdf file) and a logo.
  3. In order to enhance user-friendliness and to to exchange good practices among peers, the volume of some fields is limited.
  4. “Links” refers to websites, policy documents, presentations, etc.
  5. “Image” refers to the logo.
  6. “Categories” refer to the evaluation standards and the underlying criteria of the CeQuInt Assessment Framework.

Each Good Practice correctly submitted will be reviewed two peer reviewers (ECA experts) independently and anonymously. The procedure is co-ordinated by a convener from ECA.  The convener may find it useful to slightly edit the text. Any edited version will be submitted to the applicant for final approval. Reviewers may also request the applicant to submit clarifications and additional information. Please read the procedures section for more details on the application, review and publication processes.