Review procedure

A Good Practice needs to refer to at least one one of the standards of ECA’s Assessment Frameworks for the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation.

Peer reviewers (ECA Experts) evaluate submitted practices.

1. When a practice is submitted, an ECA convener (employee of an ECA member quality assurance agency) is assigned to this item;
2. The convener make sure that the submission is complete.
3. The submitted item is sent for review to two ECA Experts. At least one of the reviewers is an internationalisation expert and at least one is a Quality Assurance professional.
4. Each reviewer receives the submitted practice and reviews it according the CeQuInt Assessment Framework
5. Peer review leads to three possible conclusions:

a. Approval with optional feedback to the Applicant.
b. Conditional approval with obligatory feedback to the Applicant. The Applicant is requested to provide clarifications and/or additional information.
c. Rejection with obligatory feedback to the Applicant with indication of the reasons for rejection.

6. Approved practice is published on the platform.