Submit a practice

Institutions and programmes are invited to submit their practices through this form.

Please follow these guidelines to submit the form.

Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

  • Please provide here a short (2-3 paragraphs) description of your Good Practice

    All infomation about the institution

    In case we need to contact you about your submission please fill in the below fields
  • If the Good Practice you are submitting has its own dedicated webpage, please paste the full URL here. Otherwise, paste the link to the most appropriate page of your programme or institution.
  • You can add only one PDF file to your submission. However you PDF file can contain multiple relevant documents
    Max. file size: 12 MB.
  • This should be the logo of the practice itself or, if the practice does not heaviest own dedicated logo, a logo of your programme or institution.
    Max. file size: 12 MB.
  • If your programme or institution has already been awarded the ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation, please paste here the link to the corresponding Certificate. Make sure to give the full address of the url
  • Make sure to give the full address of the url
  • Please provide here your full description
  • Please explain here why you consider it to be a good practice
  • Please explain here what chalenges and limitations you encounter while implementing this good practice.
  • Please highlight here one or multiple (hold your Ctrl key on PC or your Cmd key on Mac) Standard(s) and underlying criteria of the ECA Framework for Assessing Quality of Internationalisation relevant to your Good practice.