International Business Administration – Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Reviewed by NVAO
- Valid from
- 30-03-2018
- Valid until
- 29-03-2024
Contact information
- Institution
- Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
- Website
- Country
- Netherlands
Assessment report
3_Wittenborg_IBA_ECA_International_finalExecutive summary
The Bachelor programme International Business Administration of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences (WUAS) was assessed by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) and this assessment procedure took place within the framework of the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation project. FIBAA convened an assessment panel which studied the self-evaluation report and undertook a site visit on March 29th – 31st, 2017 at the facilities of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.
The panel concluded that WUAS has formulated and documented goals on intentionality and intercultural aspects. The goals are such that a verification of their achievement is possible and stakeholders of the University are involved in these processes.
In the view of the panel the overall programme learning outcomes regarding internationalisation found their way into the learning outcomes of the modules. International and intercultural content are key aspects of the IBA programme. The teaching methods are such that the students are enabled to achieve the intended learning outcomes and the assessment possibilities allow the lecturers to check adequately on the modules specific international learning outcomes. Job positions of IBA graduates prove that the WUAS’ internationalisation strategy for the IBA programme is successful.
The created learning environment regarding international and intercultural aspects is clearly above average in the view of the panel. The international composition of WUAS teaching and administrative staff as well as the international composition of WUAS student body are remarkable and have a clear impact on the University’s international profile and the quality of studies. Staff and students together create a truly international and intercultural atmosphere at WUAS, which benefits all University members.
Hence, the international and intercultural content in the programme fall on fruitful ground, as both lecturers and student can share their knowledge and experience into the classes against their personal cultural and societal backgrounds.
The panel therefore deems that the Bachelor programme International Business Administration (BBA) of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, Apeldoorn, deserves the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation by ECA, the European Consortium for Accreditation.