Master in International Business – University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Reviewed by Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA)
- Valid from
- 14-12-2014
- Valid until
- 13-12-2019
Contact information
- Institution
- University of Ljubljana
- Website
- Country
- Slovenia
Executive summary
The Master in International Business of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics was assessed by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency (hereinafter: SQAA) and this assessment procedure took place within the framework of the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation project (hereinafter: CeQuInt). SQAA convened an assessment panel which studied the self-evaluation report and undertook a site visit of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics on 21st March 2014.
Overall Conclusion
Based on its intended internationalisation goals and objectives and its international and intercultural learning outcomes, the IB programme at FELU has satisfactorily implemented effective internationalisation activities, which demonstrably contribute to a good quality of its teaching and learning and its staff and student compositions, experiences and services.
Particularly graduate achievement, content and structure of the curriculum, teaching methods and learning environment were seen as good or exemplary. The same applies to students’ and staff’s international experience and achievement.
Although the standards “Intended Internationalisation” and “International and Intercultural Learning” are seen as satisfactory, the experts diagnosed a gap between practise, which is often good and written standards and definitions. Therefore the elaboration of a clear and well defined qualitative internationalisation strategy as an integral part of the overall strategy is strongly recommended. In this strategy the standards and criteria of the CeQuInt can be a reference guide, to define the why, what, how and outcomes of its internationalisation, with both quantitative and qualitative goals and objectives and clear mechanisms for their assessment.